Windsor, Ontario, Canada
May 7, 2022
Elgibility Rules

Every team entered must fully complete and return a roster on or before April 8th, 2019. An entry fee must accompany each roster. Please also detach the enclosed registration form and send with all entry material. Cheques should be made payable to Nik Dragicevic Memorial. Mail all entry fees, rosters and team registration form to:
Canadian Address
Nik Dragicevic Memorial - NDMT
1240 Edward Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, N8S 3A1
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT: It is required that each team entered in the Tournament complete one of the enclosed Registration, Release & Roster form. For participants under 18 years of age, their roster entry must be signed and date by a parent or legal guardian. Those over age 18 must sign for themselves. It will be assumed that the release has been read and understood prior to the signature being affixed. THESE FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED AND SENT WITH REGISTRATION MATERIAL PRIOR TO THE TOURNAMENT.
AGE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENT: ALL players in BIDDY, JUNIOR and INTERMEDIATE divisions are required to have a photo-identification (school I.D., driver's license, and passport). Any player who can’t produce both documents on request by the Committee will be immediately ineligible.
**** ELIGIBILITY RULES **** In order for a player to participate in the NDMT, ONE of the following requirements have to be met:
i) He/she must be a baptized Orthodox Christian.
ii) Players/coaches must have been affiliated with Nik through School, Work, Friendship or Played Basketball with or against Nik
Biddy, Junior and Intermediates players MUST PLAY FOR THEIR OWN PARISHES, due to the nature of this memorial tournament for Nik, special requests can be made and will be reviewed by the tournament committee. The committee reserves the right to accept or deny these special requests.
Each team will be limited to twelve (12) players. Only individuals of amateur status are eligible.
Each team will be limited to one coach and one manager. All others on the bench must be in uniform. Teams will designate one player as captain; only the coach or captain will be allowed to talk to officials during games.
All teams must have reversible matching jerseys with numbers (MEN’S DIVISIONS ESPECIALLY). No exceptions. Individuals are eligible to play in ONE DIVISION ONLY and for ONE TEAM ONLY. *** Any special requests can be made and will be reviewed by the tournament committee. The committee reserves the right to accept or deny these special requests.
All teams need to bring their own basketballs for warm-ups. Balls will not be provided by the game sites.
All game protests will be handled by the Tournament Committee.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries. Entries will be accepted on the basis of earliest post mark. Tournament committee will accommodate teams as best as possible to ensure participation in NDMT.
All participants are governed by the NDMT RULES AND REGUALTIONS (Division, Player and Manager Code of Conduct) which are provided in the tournament packet provided at your first game location.
All players and coaches will be required to register with the Tournament Committee at their first game site in order to receive game schedules and tournament Packets.
Please see attached Basketball Rules including additional eligibility rules, as well as Playing Rules for Biddys and all other divisions.
ALL GROUPS ATTENDING THE TOURNAMENT ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO CHAPERONES AGE 25 OR OLDER PER TEAM. Any teams/individuals causing problems in the gyms, hotels or other facilities will be dealt with accordingly, including being expelled from this and future tournaments.
If there are any questions feel free to contact:
Nada Tremblay – or 519.564.1446
Aleks Stulic – or 519.965.3788